
PRIVATE TRIP (3 Day 2 Night)




The Coastlines Of BanyuwangI



Lama Waktu


Underwater Banyuwangi – Vang tersaji di sini mampu menyedot kekaguman siapa saja, baik wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Taman taut di sepanjang pantai Banyuwangi keindahannya benar-benar terjaga, keragaman hayati dengan beragam jenis ikan berwarna-warni memperkaya kemolekannya. Disediakan juga peralatan menyelam lengkap, anda pun akan dipandu oleh para penyelam profesional.

What presented here is able to take the admiration of anyone, both domestic and foreign tourists. The marine park along the Banyuwangi coast is truly awake, the biodiversity with a variety of colorful fishes enriches its beauty. Complete diving equipment is also provided, and you will be guided by professional divers.